
Showing posts from September, 2023
I wish you'd write me a eulogy I'm so tired of being just an afterthought A careless doodle on the margin Wrecklessly forlorn On some days it doesn't matter But on days like these It seems so utterly important somehow To matter  I don't often peg you as a sentimentalist Far from it But darling, even Hades fell for Persephone Or so I like to believe Swirling into the wintry mists Like a foggy remnant of promised escapades I whisper your name often into the night air Hoping to catch you unawares for a brief moment I wish you'd write me a eulogy Even if it's a lie Perhaps the adieu will hold the words of affection I so craved to hear from your lips Let the ink bleed the unsaid lies Betrayer hunter fool Romanticising death as the future threatens to tear us apart I wish you'd write me a eulogy #reverie 12/9/2021
Double standards Stubborn hearts Masking hurt Making excuses on their behalf Anger or grief Nursing loneliness Not your home All for the show Numbing the blows No sleep for the wicked Envy or ire Gluttony on the rocks Love served cold on a platter Dancing on her funeral pyre Bloodied feet wrapped in golden anklets Poison truth and lips sworn shut Little lights of a burning aeroplane Grey skies on a full moon night Vulnerability or another liability Cold hard cash counted and caressed Fears and desires trickling down slow Harrowed eyes whispered prayers Not my god Our religion Faith or cut-glass oaths Mercy on you Pagans all Ostracized beggars of momentary proximity #reverie Aug 30, 2023