Red flags and non negotiables

I know it gets too much some days. The disbelief, the hurt and the disappointment. The disappointment gets you every time. You tell yourself that you don't expect anything anymore. And yet, every time how the world manages to disappoint and lower the bar even more is fascinatingly macabre. 

Despite the odds you struggle. You reach out again. Get up, dust yourself and paint a smile on your face. No more tears. If a fucking shampoo bottle can say it, surely you can repeat it to yourself too. But then the tears are important. Each one you shed tells you more about yourself. It is your heart letting you know where she draws a line. All the compromises and the sacrifices. But there will always be a limit. Breaking point. I hope it never gets to that point. Stop, contemplate. Perhaps this isn't meant for you. Maybe choose another road. I know it isn't easy but why make it worse for them too? 

Another reminder to self. Another sleepless night. Another sunrise. Daybreak shouldn't scare you.



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